Michelle Foster

Program Manager

Cell: 213-407-5098

Michelle Foster joined COPE Health Solutions in December 2020 as a Program Manager at Kaiser Permanente Riverside. As Program Manager, Mrs. Foster is involved in the management of the COPE Health Scholars Program at Kaiser Permanente in Riverside. Her role includes supervision of all program operations with a focus on program management, recruitment, training and the professional development of program participants.

Prior to joining Cope Health Solutions, Mrs. Foster worked as a Program and Center Manager for the Orange County One-Stop Center in Irvine. She was responsible for managing county contracted, federally funded employment-based programs. These programs assisted individuals that were unemployed or underemployed to determine and set career and vocational goals, obtain training, learn job search and job readiness skills, and ultimately obtain employment. In addition, Mrs. Foster oversaw the business service team which was responsible for building employer relations and providing employer based services to help build a strong and viable workforce. As program manager, Mrs. Foster ensured that the program was run per the scope of work and met all contracted program metrics and audit standards. Overall, Mrs. Foster worked in the one-stop/workforce development system for the past 10 years in the roles of Career Counselor, Business Service Representative, and finally Program Manager.

Mrs. Foster graduated from University of California, Irvine with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and minor in Sociology. In addition, Mrs. Foster obtained her Master’s in Counseling and Pupil Personnel Services Credential from Chapman University.

Mrs. Foster looks forward to the opportunity to be part of a team that provides future health care professionals with the opportunity to obtain hands on experience and knowledge of the health care field in order to make educated decisions about their career pathway.
