Market and Policy Positioning

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Critical insights to position you for success.

Policy changes, among general market forces, need to be considered in any health care organization’s strategic planning. For example, The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has indicated their commitment to moving away from fee-for-service. Providers will need to understand their readiness and fit for the various value-based models, as well as how to optimize and drive value and performance in what we describe as a “pluralistic” environment, where organizations are participating in various value-based arrangements with different payors for different populations.

Too often, organizations are forced to be reactive rather than proactive when dealing with rapid changes in policy and regulations. With the seismic shifts happening in health care, actionable insights across new competitive models, new trends and the evolving consumer are fundamental to supporting the agility of organizations. Our deep industry and functional expertise allow us to maintain our “finger on the pulse” on market trends and shifts in policy, enabling our clients to overcome critical issues that affect their business models.


Our Approach

  • Evaluate corporate strategy and assess how new market trends and shifts in policy affect business operations
  • Conduct market scans to understand competitors, payors, opportunities and challenges
  • Provide and implement recommendations to future-proof your business based on market and policy analysis

Meet Our Experts

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Allen Miller

Principal & CEO

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Evan King

Principal & COO

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