Quality and Provider Performance Improvement

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Lean in. Drive outcomes.

Ensuring that your system has efficient processes can have far reaching impacts on financial, operational, quality and even patient experience performance metrics. The impact of elongated turnaround times for example, has the potential to extend a patient’s visit due to delays in both flow throughout the visit and in clinical decision making. These issues often add up during a patient’s visit and can lead to a less than desirable experience – adverse events for not only the patients and family/caregivers, but also the providers responsible for their care. A health system’s ability to effectively and strategically identify, prioritize and solve performance issues becomes a key differentiator in the march towards achieving the Quadruple Aim.


Our Approach

COPE Health Solutions has extensive hands-on experience in all areas of performance improvement, solution implementation and population health management. As a result, our approach is grounded in real-world solutions, and emphasizes the long-term sustainability of not only the improvements themselves, but also the knowledge and tools required to replicate the approach throughout the system. Our approach is built on three foundational characteristics:

  1. Intimate understanding of health care operations, business models and strategy across all provider types and settings
  2. Recognition that continuous performance improvement ultimately comes from the inside
  3. Experience within provider types and across the care continuum

Meet Our Experts

Y. Ajao

Yomi Ajao

Senior Vice President

Contact Me
