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Publication Date : December 27, 2018
Disruptive Strategy: Thriving in a Plurallistic Payment Environment
Disruptive Strategy: Thriving in a Plurallistic Payment Environment PDF Logo
Publication Date : November 07, 2018
Leveraging Data to Achieve Economically Viable Population Health Management
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Publication Date : November 07, 2018
Fee-For-Service to Value-Based Payment Transformation, Part 5: Successful Population Health Management - Installment 2
The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly PDF Logo Available also at
Publication Date : August 17, 2018
Fee-For-Service to Value-Based Payment Transformation, Part 5: Successful Population Health Management - Installment 1
The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly PDF Logo Available also at
Publication Date : June 28, 2018
Accessing More of the Health Premium: The Transition into Population Health and Value-based Payment
MD Advisor PDF Logo
Publication Date : June 15, 2018
Golden State Guidepost - A Preview of Operational Financial and Regulatory Dilemmas
Group Practice PDF Logo
Publication Date : June 05, 2018
Fee-For-Service to Value-Based Payment Transformation Part 3: Bearing Financial Risk in a Changing Landscape: Are You Ready? Part B
The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly PDF Logo Available also at
Publication Date : May 21, 2018
To Succeed at Managing Population Health, Adopt a Health Plan Mindset
HFMA hfm PDF Logo Available also at
Publication Date : March 27, 2018
Supporting Transformation through Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Programs: Lessons from New York State
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law PDF Logo
Publication Date : March 07, 2018
Care Navigators Offer Cost-Effective Solution for Improving Value-Based Care
