Medicare Direct Contracting and the Impact of Covid-19 on Value-Based Payment Strategy

The Chinese saying, “Crisis equals opportunity,” may seem callous with relation to the Covid-19 pandemic; however, it is definitely apt. By most indications, the next several quarters, if not years, will be daunting for senior leaders, boards, and the health systems and hospitals they run, while at the same time creating new opportunities for those nimble enough to move quickly. There will be unique opportunities amid the challenges for boards to assess and provide counsel to management but also to take on longer-term strategic planning work.

There has been much written recently on the havoc Covid-19 treatment and prevention efforts have inflicted on physicians and hospitals. Both are rethinking their partners and payment models in order to minimize the financial impact of the massive reductions in office visits and elective services. Amidst this increasingly complex and strategic reimbursement environment, the reimbursement landscape post-Covid-19 will continue the trend toward health systems and physicians assuming greater financial risk.

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